Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well, I'm supposed to be working right now..which is the reason why I hardly ever post because the majority of the time that I am on the computer is to work and it's always a race during Boedy's naps. Ah, the joys of working from home- I know, I should be grateful :) Anyways, I just had to do a quick check on the blog and am so glad I did because that Video of the musical in the food court made my day! That was SO FUNNY! It IS our family's dream!!!!! To burst out in song in the middle of nowhere about nothing! I loved it! I especially loved the reaction of the people and the looks on their face. Do you think those our the looks we are oblivious too when we are having our family reunions in public? he he

1 comment:

Carrie L said...

I KNOW those are the looks we get at family reunions. I'm still trying to convince Mark that we're not completely wacko for it!