Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can I get a napkin too?

They must have taken a cue from our family!


Ms. Bananie said...

Hmmm...maybe we could spontaneously break out into song at some unsuspecting store while at the reunion. Aunt Darice & Aunt Pam will handle the percussive movements!

Ethan said...

OK, that is hillarious. The funniest part is, the entire video, all of the innocent bystanders were like "what the heck?" I mean, I figured a few minutes into it they would be diggin' it (like I was), but they were still confused! The didn't get into it until the security guard entered (which was almost the end)! It really took a lot of guts for that first girl to keep singing even while everyone was looking at her like "has this chick gone wacko?" I guess this just goes to show not everyone appreciates this stuff as much as we do.

April said...
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April said...

Ummmm, I'm thinking, yes. We most defintely need to do something like this at our next reunion. I'm not wearing the "Hot dog on a stick" hat though.
This was great!

KingFisher said...

Okay, we're in! That is so E.H. TIPPETS!!! Amy and I have already acted a preview out in Rich's office. We need to do this at the next reunion. Maybe in the lobby of the Marriot. Perhaps someone has lost a child or misplaced their credit card or luggage. Or we don't even have to lose something. Maybe we could just stage our screams and welcomes. Carrie, would Mark do a leap and piroette? Annie, we gotta have Matt up front. Joni could get everyones attention with her voice. Amy is so full of ideas. Elary, can you direct us? Tom can run the music and dance too if he'd like. I'm sure there is a part for everyone!!!! Are we gutsy enough?!! If not.. maybe we could do it behind close doors just for ourselves..? Oh, I don't know.... Maybe we could think of it like a- a-a-...service project!! How 'bout that?

JoElle said...

Carrie, that's hilarious! Would have loved to been there.

Shay said...

holy cow...was that just about the coolest thing ever! i wish i could have seen it! i'll have to make it to the mall more often!